Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ending a Great Year

There's another side of me that I haven't revealed here. I love pageantry. I love it so much that it's really my most demanding hobby. I am a director of a local Miss America preliminary and it's so much fun! My friends that help are just a hoot to plan events with and it's so much more than just a beauty pageant. It allows fellowship with friends; it's creating and executing events that raise scholarship money for deserving young women in our area; it's watching the growth of the young women put into our paths and their journey toward accomplishing a goal. I'm just blessed to be a part of it all.

We work year-round to raise money for our local organization. We also help get our local titleholders ready to compete on the state level. This is my favorite part. The relationships I grow through the queens and their families make the efforts worth it. I have been particularly blessed this past year. It was a successful year for our girls; one of them won the state title and the other was a top ten finalist and a preliminary winner at state. The other two queens also brought home awards from state as first time competitors. It was the first time that all of our girls had done so well. But their successes are not what we are celebrating. It's the amazing virtues these girls hold.

Now I have two littles one of my own and after encounters with "not so nice" competitors, I have learned to be extra careful as to whom I put in my daughter's paths. Who are role models and who they spend a lot of time with. What a blessing these titleholders this past year have been.

Their walk with God is impressive. I have been able to develop my own relationship with the Lord due to their impression upon me. They are faithful and compassionate when it comes to their faith. They are unwaivering in their beliefs and always put Him first. You'll often find them quoting the bible or some inspirational message posted on their facebook pages. It's never negative or bashing. More importantly, the message is not skin deep. They live it through and through.

They believe in the scholarship system this preliminary stands for. I've seen many girls graduate from college dept-free because of this system.

I have seen the four of them grow into mature young women this past year. Many of the same attributes I teach or encourage in my classroom, I'm able to imply with pageantry. Interview skills, poise, walking/modeling and developing a talent are all things that a good director helps with along the way.

But our time has almost come to an end. Our pageant is in two weeks and we'll have to hand over the titles to new winners. I am having a very hard time with this. I know it won't mean saying goodbye forever, but they will no longer have our title behind them as they compete or move forward this year. They know I'll always be there to support and encourage, but they'll have another director and other roads to take.

I realize this seems pathetic...it's just a pageant, right? Nope, that's not what this is. It's being a part of a journey where I'm able to witness amazing growth and develop a friendship that will stay with me forever. I am sad today and know pageant day will be tough.

Thank you sweet girls for allowing me to be a part of your lives this past year. You have blessed me more than you'll ever know!

Thank you "moms" for understanding and listening. You make the trip worth it and always have laughter to make it easier.

Meg, Savvy, Ashley & Maddie.....You have made my time and commitment to this organization memorable and more valuable than you'll ever know.

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